Saturday, January 5, 2008


Ok, so just to update on a few things...
1st-Tanner's birthday present, the video game thing that wouldn't work because the batteries wouldn't fit. So come to find out you didn't even have to put batteries in the stupid thing. All I was supposed to do was to plug it in, so why did the directions say put batteries in??? Anyway, Tanner likes it and it works.
2nd-Colson and Anna Kathryn had their first Upward Basketball games today. It was a blast!!! Colson is very good, one of the best ones on his team. Anna Kathryn is one of the smallest girls on her team. They (supposedly)match you up with someone who is equal in ability to you, well AK's match up was a girl that was a head taller than her and probably 30 pounds heavier. But she did a good job and hustled the whole game.
3rd-About a month ago or less Roman bought us a new video camera. It was a nice one, we've used it several times through Christmas and Tanner's birthday. Well we took it this morning to Colson's basketball game. At the beginning of the game they announce the players on the loud speaker just like pro ball. Roman videoed Colson coming out, then handed me the camera while he answered his phone. I videoed Colson during the pregame prayer, then handed the camera back to Roman. When he got the camera back, it was blank, no picture, no power, nothing. We had just charged the battery, so that wasn't it. Long story short...Roman was MAD. REAL MAD!!! He said"Why can't we ever have anything work right???!!!" $%^%^#@ We couldn't find the receipt, but we did buy it at circut city, with a circut city credit card, so I had the statement. Happy ending...Circuit City gave Roman a brand new camera!! I hope it works for next weeks game.

PS--Thanks Emily for reading my blog too--didn't mean to leave you out!!!

1 comment:

Emily Jennings said...

That is AWFUL about the video camera. I would have been pretty ticked too. But I do love Circuit City's return policy.